May 2020
A Letter to our Supporters
Dear Friends,
It is a difficult and unprecedented time for all of us, as we try to cope with the virus that threatens us, our families and our way of life.
While we realize that many families may be facing financial difficulties, we need to turn to you to request that you, if at all possible, support Beautification by contributing your annual dues and/or basket sponsorship so that our town will remain clean and attractive as we all work to bring our community back to stabilization. We have come so far over the past 25 years in revitalizing our town, and no one wishes to see an unwanted reversal.
In our efforts to reduce our costs, we plan to communicate in the future via email, so please be sure to include your email address in the form below. Our email is
Your support is desperately needed!
You can donate via PayPal: (choose Friends & Family for no fees to us)
Yes, I want to commit to Bay Shore by sponsoring a basket!
Number of baskets X $50 ____
Looking for a gift? Basket sponsorship makes a thoughtful present. Recipients receive a beautiful, certificate personalized with your own message. Appropriate for any occasion. Give a gift that gives back!
Recipient’s Name______________________________Address_____________________________________
Message:(include how you wish your name to be signed)
I wish to pay annual dues of $20 for 2021 ___
Your name___________________________Email____________________________________
Contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated. My contribution is: _
Please make checks payable to Bay Shore Beautification Society and send to Baskets for Bay Shore at PO Box 698M, Bay Shore, NY11706
Thank you for your support!